Serving Southern California and the Antelope Valley since 1987, S&S Sweeping and Water Trucks has been providing a wide variety of services to customers ranging from residential and commercial property owners to construction sites, solar panel farms, and film studios.

Sweeping Trucks and Equipment Trailer
Being in the business of providing sweeping and water truck servicesso long, we have extensive experience in our trade. We specialize in working with both the construction and film industries because we put in a great deal of effort to ensure that our job is done safely and done right.

Contact us to find out more about what services we can provide you!

Benefits of Sweeping

A well maintained thoroughfare and parking area is crucial to attracting customers. People are more likely to support businesses that have clean exteriors because it shows the business owner is conscious about the image...

Regular lot maintenance is important as it helps prevent the growth of pollutants in the area. It also prevents the build-up of oils, grease, and other chemical products on the lot surface which promotes a healthy outdoor environment for customers and residents alike.

Uses for Water Trucks

Our water trucks have reclaimed water availability which have numerous uses in a major drought area.